Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bend It Like Beckham

Going by the title, it seems, I and my blog is definitely caught in the World Cup 2010 fever. Its a 50-50 feedback for that confusion. My 'MIND' is very restless because of the forthcoming Argentina-Germany match, as I am a big fan of the Argentina team, and I would like the team to at least make the cut to the grand finals. I am today writing about the MIND. Not only about mine, but also about yours, collectively, about the Human-MIND.

'Bend It Like Beckham', how did this phrase come into being? I am pretty much sure that most of us is not that unfamiliar to it. It is the signature Beckham shot in the game of football, where, Beckham bends the trajectory of the ball the way he wants to. Yes, the way he wants to. Now, let us relate it to ourselves by lexically replacing the 'ball' with our MIND. We are always in the midst of good and the bad. Our MIND takes the path what it thinks is the best. And, by birth, human-beings are attracted to the evils aspects rather than the good ones. Now, the important question is, whenever we are in full conscience, are we able to control the trajectory or path of our MIND? Without surprise, most of the frank answers to come by will be in the negative. We do what the MIND tells us to. We are not able to control the MIND like the ball at Beckham's feet. Had we been able to do so, wonders now, will be something very normal then. As the great quote goes, "The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master". Giving it a deep thought, it really is very disturbing. If only had the MINDS behind the 'Hiroshima-Nagasaki' episode been enslaved, the mass destruction of lives, properties and most importantly faith, would have been averted.

In the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma, the MIND is depicted by the lush green garden with little flowering plants planted all over, ready to flourish if taken proper care of. When a child is born, his MIND is like the green garden ready to bear fruits. A garden can only bear flowers and fruits if it is watered regularly, manured and cleared of all the pests and insects that are always in contention to infiltrate into the garden. Similar is in case of human -MIND, if the MIND is nurtured well, and protected from the evils, it gets enslaved and performs wonder for us, for mankind.

From the time human beings came into the earth, man is considered the most knowledgeable and higher form of living beings on the earth. It is rightly said in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata,

"guhyam brahma tad idam vo bravimi

na manusat sresthataram hi kincit"

A man's MIND must be his subject and not his object. If a man looses his MIND to the oblivion of objectivity, he lapses into rigid and mindless thoughts and works. Being the most intelligent animal on earth it must not be that difficult to master the art of enslaving the MIND. For a starter, its not necessary to practice any physical or mental exercise to achieve it. Let's take the simple example of a smoker. Once a person takes to the habit of smoking, it is said that, by the time realization begins to peep into his MIND about the evils of smoking, it becomes too late. Is it so? No, its not. You see, its all related to the MIND. The smoker has been enslaved by the MIND to the fatal pleasure of smoking. Its all because the person had allowed the MIND to prevail all over him. Evil can be destroyed only if we respond to it with good. It is of no use cursing the darkness, we must increase the light to dispel the darkness. Here, in the example listed above, the simplest way to get rid of smoking the 'LAST ONE' is to go and get some candy or by letting our conscience come in and tell our the MIND, what is good and what is not. Believe it or not, I became a hardcore chain smoker by the time I reached 20 years of age. But now, I am free of the enslaved MIND. I got the habit away in about 3 to 4 weeks time. Every time I felt like taking one, I simply asked myself, my MIND, that, will I benefit from the cigarette? And, every time I got a no as a firm answer to my query. Now, I am not a smoker. Now, my MIND itself directs me against smoking, because it is enslaved. This is one of the small wonders of controlling the MIND.

I would have shared more of my experiences in this aspect with all, but now, its already 10 minutes past midnight, so its time to bed. But before closing my eyes, I want everybody to be the intelligent being we are considered to be and "Bend It Like Beckham". Goodnight. ~Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. dis is one of da most beautful artcles i hav cum makes me think of sumthngz dat i hav done in da past few days and da truth is i really dont no whethr its ryt or wrong..i really wish i can bend my MIND lyk "beckham"............
